Everybody needs a sidekick.
TruOrthodontics.com – What is TruOrthodontics?
When it comes to your health care, you want the best. Straightening teeth and aligning the bite are complex bio-mechanical processes requiring very specialized expertise. Orthodontics are uniquely equipped and qualified to provide a custom treatment plan that is right for you. TruOrthodontics is care following a comprehensive assessment of the patients needs where the…
Did you know?
As you know, Dr Connell is committed to lifelong learning and has served as an adjunct associate professor at Marquette University’s highly regarded Dental School for more than 25 years. But, did you know that Dr Connell is also President of the Wisconsin Society of Orthodontists (WSO)? The WSO is our state constituent of the …
My child’s permanent teeth are late coming in. Should we see the dentist or the orthodontist?
See an AAO orthodontist to learn whether there is a reason your child’s permanent teeth are late coming in. Orthodontists look at teeth differently than your dentist does. Something may be blocking the path of unerupted permanent teeth, they may be missing, or it may simply be that your child is on his/her own schedule and…
Health Benefits of Straight Teeth
There is more to straight teeth then the cosmetic benefit. Your health can also benefit from straight teeth. Help with TMJ pain – When your upper and lower teeth don’t come together correctly, it can cause stress on the jaw joint and result in an uneven bite. Headaches and TMJ pain can be helped when…