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Brushing Your Teeth With Braces

When you have Braces, you should brush your teeth every time you eat.  Plaque needs to be thoroughly removed and with braces, it is even more important.  When you have braces, the wires and brackets create additional places for plaque to hide.  When plaque attaches to your braces and teeth, it can cause cavities, bad breath, swollen gums and stain marks on your teeth.  Brushing twice per day is important, but you should also clean between your teeth with floss at least once every day. After flossing, brush your teeth and braces until they’re clean and shiny. The best time to do this thorough cleaning is at night, right before you go to bed. Also, make sure to continue to see your dentist regularly every six months, or more often if your orthodontist recommends it. Your dentist and hygienist will not only make sure your mouth and teeth are clean, but will also make sure all your braces, brackets and wires are intact and working effectively.

An end-rounded bristle toothbrush works well for brushing braces, and your dentist might prescribe fluoride toothpaste to help you fight tooth decay even more. Brush gently but thoroughly. If your braces look clean and shiny and if you can see the edges of the brackets clearly, you’ve done a good job.  Make sure to rinse your mouth after brushing with water, or with a mouth rinse.  Having wires that connect your braces from tooth to tooth makes flossing a challenge. A floss threader may help.

Ask your orthodontist for any recommendations on brushes or flossing tools that may help.

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